The customization and implementation phase consists of developing an implementation plan and executing it as efficiently as possible with the beneficiary's approval.

Our specialists are in constant contact with company representatives for optimal setup and implementation. We define critical activities and their order, calculate implementation risks, etc. The implementation phases are as follows:
Detailed analysis
The analysis consists of a detailed study of client workflows, functional parameter settings, a detailed analysis of specific user elements, workflow identification and workflow analysis.
Application parameters and configuration
This step is performed throughout the implementation process by identifying configuration needs for templates and printed forms.
Data import
The client fills out spreadsheet files submitted by the person responsible for the business analysis. They are checked by a technical consultant who imports the data into 1C:Enterprise. The data is also verified by the client who agrees with the correctness of the initial data. The activity transfer to the new operating platform in case of replacement of another system is carried out by transferring the initial balances to the new system and starting the activity from a fixed date.