The "Creditare" module is developed on the 8.2 platform and is integrated into "1C:Contabilitate". This module aims to help microfinance companies with specific activities related to lending operations.

Product description
The development of the economy means creating financing offers for both the individual consumer and the corporate consumer.
The “Creditare” module was created and integrated into the “1C:Сontabilitate” system in response to the needs of microfinance companies. It is essential to constantly monitor financial products to make the lending process more efficient. Meanwhile, the application is designed to meet company management requirements by providing analytical, statistical and economic-financial, and accounting reports following current legislation. The “Creditare” module offers complete management of lending activities for individuals and legal entities to finance equipment or business development in various areas.
Financial and operational benefits from the “Creditare” module
Management efficiency due to:
- Credit application processing;
- Performing the operations specific to lending: counterparties, credit products, economic sectors, credit referrals, outstanding periods, credit committees, loan application, protocol, purchasing order, credit calculation, credit monitoring schedules, credit analysis reports.
- Loan contract management stages;
- Ability to print necessary documents and forms;
- Ability to use multiple currencies in the lending process;
- Administration of loan contracts (necessary calculations);
- Ensure a secure and segmented working environment with access rights.
Reduction of office expenses due to:
- The process of systematizing lending activities by eliminating paperwork and the volume of physical documents saves working time;
- Correct and complete paperwork and processes;
- Link to, interest recognition and penalty calculation;
- Control of the history of changes in documents (interest rate, calculation of due dates);
- Integration with “1C:Contabilitate” system to manage payments and receipts for repayment of loans;
Increased sales through:
- Speed and efficiency by computerizing the lending process and working in real time;
- Constant adaptation to market requirements by defining and controlling lending conditions by setting interest rates, funding limits, expiration dates, currencies, etc.
- Customizable monthly or quarterly reports for managers or users of financial accounting information: loan portfolio, disbursements, advance, loans issued, active loans, outstanding loans, closed loans, loan repayments.